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      Jiaozuo Xinjing Technology Co., Ltd.
      Jiaozuo Xinjing Technology Co., Ltd.
      Risk notice

      Risk notice

      Regulations on the purchase, sale, and transportation of hazardous chemicals. When purchasing, selling, and transporting hazardous chemicals, you must comply with the following regulations:

      (1) Procurement of hazardous chemicals
      1. Hazardous chemicals operating units shall not purchase hazardous chemicals from enterprises that have not obtained a "Hazardous Chemicals Business License".
      2. Hazardous chemicals units are not allowed to purchase hazardous chemicals from hazardous chemicals manufacturing enterprises that have not obtained the "Safety Production License".
      3. When purchasing hazardous chemicals, hazardous chemicals units shall not entrust units that do not have the qualifications to transport hazardous chemicals to transport hazardous chemicals; they shall not entrust units that do not have the qualifications to transport hazardous chemicals to hazardous chemicals sales units. Chemical inspection and storage.
      4. Hazardous chemical units purchasing highly toxic substances must obtain a license for the purchase and transportation of highly toxic substances issued by the public security department.
      5. When hazardous chemicals units purchase hazardous chemicals, it is necessary to require hazardous chemicals production or operating units to ensure the complete consistency of the purchased hazardous chemicals "Chemical Safety Technical Data Sheets" and "Chemical Safety Labels".

      (2) Sales of hazardous chemicals
      1. Hazardous chemical production and operation units shall not sell hazardous chemicals to persons who have not obtained the "Safety Production License" for hazardous chemicals.
      2. Hazardous chemicals production and operation units shall not sell hazardous chemicals to persons who have not obtained the "Hazardous Chemicals Business License" for hazardous chemicals operating enterprises.
      3. Hazardous chemical production and operation units shall not sell hazardous chemicals to persons who have not obtained the "Safety Assessment Review Opinion" and the "Hazardous Chemical Storage (Use) Registration Certificate" of hazardous chemicals storage (use) enterprises .
      4. Hazardous chemical production and operation units selling hazardous chemicals shall not entrust units without hazardous chemicals transportation qualifications to transport hazardous chemicals; nor may they entrust hazardous chemicals purchasing units without hazardous chemicals transportation qualifications to inspect and deliver goods. .
      5. Units that produce and operate highly toxic chemicals are not allowed to purchase goods from individuals or units without purchase vouchers or shipping permits.
      6. Hazardous chemical production units must establish a registration system and files for hazardous chemical containers and packages, and are not allowed to use hazardous chemical containers and packages produced by non-designated enterprises to package, contain, and transport hazardous chemicals.
      7. When hazardous chemicals production units sell hazardous chemicals, they should attach "Chemical Safety Technical Data Sheets" and "Chemical Safety Labels" that are completely consistent with the hazardous chemicals.

      (3) Transportation of hazardous chemicals
      1. Hazardous chemicals transport enterprises must obtain hazardous chemicals transport enterprise qualifications approved and issued by the transportation or maritime authorities.
      2. Drivers, crew members, loading and unloading managers, and escorts engaged in highway and waterway transportation of hazardous chemicals must pass the examination of the legal department and obtain a job qualification certificate.
      3. Hazardous chemicals transportation companies are not allowed to transport hazardous chemicals manufacturers that have not obtained a "Safety Production License", hazardous chemicals operating companies that have not obtained a "Hazardous Chemicals Business License", or a "Safety Assessment Review Opinion" and "Hazardous Chemicals Storage (Registration) Certificate" for storing (using) hazardous chemicals consigned by enterprises. When transporting highly toxic drugs, the consignor's "Violent Drugs Purchase Permit" and "Violent Drugs Transport Permit" must also be inspected.

      (4) Legal provisions related to precursor chemicals, precursors to explosives, and highly toxic chemicals (excerpt)
      1. Hazardous chemical production enterprises and operating enterprises selling highly toxic chemicals and explosive precursor hazardous chemicals shall truthfully record the name and address of the purchasing unit, the name of the person in charge, and the ID number of the purchased highly toxic chemicals. , the types, quantities and uses of dangerous chemicals that can produce explosives. The retention period of sales records and copies of the identity certificate of the person in charge, copies of relevant licenses or certification documents shall not be less than 1 year.
      2. Sales enterprises and purchasers of highly toxic chemicals and explosive precursor hazardous chemicals shall, within 5 days after the sale or purchase, report the types, quantities, and quantities of the highly toxic chemicals and explosive precursor hazardous chemicals sold or purchased. The flow information shall be reported to the public security organ of the local county-level people's government for record and entered into the computer system.
      3. Units that use highly toxic chemicals and explosive precursor hazardous chemicals shall not lend or transfer the highly toxic chemicals and explosive precursor hazardous chemicals they purchased; if they really need to transfer due to production change, suspension of production, relocation, closure, etc., they shall Transfer to a unit with relevant licenses or certification documents, and promptly report the relevant situation to the public security agency of the local county-level people's government after the transfer.

      • Address:  No. 8 Guangxing Road, Industrial Park, Boai County, Jiaozuo City, Henan Province

      • Tel:Wang ZhiJian   +86-15926261626

      • E-mail:  hbxj5@xinjingchem.com

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          富顺县| 南岸区| 吉安市| 砀山县| 铜梁县| 永靖县| 阳西县| 静宁县| 临汾市| 梧州市| 凯里市| 平邑县| 齐齐哈尔市| 江山市| 南通市| 榆社县| 大余县| 砀山县| 永德县| 屯留县| 景洪市| 兴文县| 阜康市| 收藏| 孟州市| 越西县| 儋州市| 沙坪坝区| 剑阁县| 丰宁| 富顺县| 德江县| 石渠县| 新泰市| 宿迁市| 资讯| 郎溪县| 南通市| 平武县| 江孜县| 湖北省| http://444 http://444 http://444